Miền Bắc 0914.348.397
Miền Trung 0983.04.88.14
Miền Nam 0975.907.336

100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (SC) Single-mode Media Converter D-Link DMC-F02SC/E


– 100Base-TX to 100Base-FX (SC) Single-mode Media Converter (2km) (Stand-Alone).
– This media converter converts the signal from the standard 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet on twisted pair at signal 100BASE-FX Fast Ethernet standard for multimode fiber optic cable. Maximum Fiber Optic Cable Length: 2 km. The apparatus 1 is equipped with a port RJ-45 twisted pair and one optical port. The DMC-F02SC used SC connector.